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"The Stone of Magic and Shamans" 
Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras


  • Ancient lore dictates that the fiery flash of labradorite is the essence of the Aurora Borealis frozen in stone
  • Highly protective, it shields the aura and fortifies the inner will and energy body
  • It will assist those looking to connect to spirit and seek knowledge, as well as hone and develop intuition and inner magic 
  • Very supportive in overcoming fear and insecurity while being able to communicate one's truth
  • Assists in accessing the Akashic Record and connecting to past lives
  • Helps control the negative sides of our personalities


For children: Great for those easily pressured into trouble by others
For pets: aids in healthy socialization for skiddish/aggressive animals 
For plants: supportive for airy, desert plants


Healing energies:

Assists in the control and balance of anti-social behaviors, depresssion, anxiety.

Helps one through any sort of detoxing 

Supports the respiratory system and memory 


Labradorite Drop Pendant

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